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About the Author

Folayan Osekita MBA PGCE [FE], BSC Social Sciences specializing in Psychology is the author of “The Flaming Sword” published by Trafford in 2010 and “The Daily Sword” published by Authorhouse in 2015. This new book unlike the one mentioned, is more like a daily devotional, to inspire, encourage, consolidate, enhance, nurture and promote faith in the individual sojourner wanting to and/or living the life of Jesus Christ in the crazy, cruel, all-about-me world of today!

The author has written very simple, easy to understand and follow reflections on which the individual can meditate prayerfully and reflect upon! The reader would get as much from this book as they put in, as in devoting time to prayerfully meditate on and study the reflective devotionals on a daily basis, in simple chunks or as they deem fit. The idea is to have a daily reading; studying the Word of God opened up with the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit from a very humble servant prophet of the Living God!


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